L11-22 - Experimentation

Strategies employed 

1.Connect (Hook and Hold) (5 mins)
+ Teacher to remind students to observe safety rules and approach teacher or lab staff should they have any difficulties.
+ Students are to divide themselves into different roles to take care of the different areas.

2.Acquire and Make meaning (Receive Knowledge and skills, and understanding learning outcomes) (40 mins)
+ Students are to perform Trial experiments with the advice from the teacher-in-charge
+ Students are to perform the actual experiments within the laboratory
+ Students are to collect the relevant and accurate data
+ Students are to record the data in an appropriate manner (both in the log book and on their laptop software such as “Numbers”)

3.Transfer (Formative checks, reflections, etc.) (5 mins)
+ Students are reminded to keep their apparatus in the allocated space after their experiments

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